Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One evening

When I sharpened these guys:

I got this in return!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What was China like?

China had Love Birds:


A Great Wall:

Man-made lakes for one woman:

A spray-painted dog:


In Fraggle Rock-like places:

2,000 year old ruins:

Seahorses on a stick:

Minnie Mouse fans:

Beijing Crabs:

Cute Garden Kitty:

The Bund at night:

Pretty sunsets:

Farmers collecting grass to feed the water buffalo:

Water Buffalo:

Pretty Mountains near a river:

My favorite part was the countryside. It was the most beautiful and serene. Reed Flute Cave was the most magical. The rock formations were wise, systematic and grande. I couldn't even fathom the amount of history that existed between each centimeter of formation. I guess historical is a good way to describe the whole trip. Yeah, historical.