Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In the winter I had a relationship with a lake. In the spring it was flour. Now it's summer and I'm having a fling with sugar crystals. Most days I feel like a sugar cube at the end of the day. It is sweet.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


What do you do on a rainy day? Make croissants!

Yesterday was the perfect day for croissant making because it was raining, so I didn't feel the need to take advantage of the day by being outdoors. Instead, I decided to dedicate the day towards making croissants.

It's funny because the other night I wanted to make croissants for dessert with friends, and I thought I would just whip them up and then we would be able to eat them, but then our friend Kim heard that I was going to make croissants and was like "doesn't it take 8 hours to make?" I responded with "no way! Probably like an hour or two!" Then I looked at the directions and saw that it did in fact, take around 8 hours to make. Oops.

So I had to postpone it for a day, like yesterday, where I could dedicate a day to the croissant.

It actually wasn't that difficult to make, the only thing is that you have to wait for periods of 2 hours at a time, so that the dough can chill and rise and things like that. However, the payoff was huge! Puffy, flakey, doughey, buttery croissants formed in the oven, and when eaten hot and fresh out of the oven, it made every hour worth it.

That's three sticks of butter. That's right, THREE.

Butter square, on top of dough

Butter in an envelope. Want me to ship you some?

Shaping the croissant. Cute! They started to look like crabs to me after awhile.

Before going in the oven

Croissants! I should probably bake less on one sheet next time.

When pulled apart. They were chewy and doughey and oh so good!