Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cookie party

NYC for a few days. I am sick. Ugh. I think I am allergic to cold weather.

However, I did go to Ktown almost every night,

ate at pinkberry,

and drank hot toddies and spent some quality time with my dear friend Sue and my dear sister Amy.

Thank goodness I made it to Delaware where Rob has showered me with some TLC by making me chicken noodle soup {from scratch}, allowed me plenty of rest, and a warm {literal too} environment.

Last night we went over to James' mom's house to make christmas cookies! We had an array of cookie cutters to choose from:

Rolled out our own dough:

Cut out cookies:

used a cookie press:

Iced our cookies.

Tried on costumes

And had plenty of Kafader interaction time. It was fun, it's always nice to see Marge, she is a very interesting and entertaining woman to be around.

1 comment:

iamsue said...

that costume is amazing. i love that it was just lying around... just waiting for an opportunity to be relevant again. i love this blog, it so well-written and fun! and it has inspired the naming of my future children. the only thing: i want to see more pictures! can't wait for you to get back! have a happy xmas!