Monday, January 14, 2008

Argentinian Side of Iguazu

The next day we decided to go to the Argentinian side of Iguazu Falls on our own. It was sunny the whole day, we walked through all the trails, and went to the island for a little swim and hike, saw some animals that were cousins to the racoon, then made it back to our hostel for Parilla (Argentinian BBQ), free Caipirinhas, and a Brazilian show.

We are excited that our cameras work the next day:

Views of the falls:

Swimming near the falls:

Right up next to such force:

Back at the hostel:

I am strong, Azure just bit her lip:

Singles scene:


Rob said...

you are strong...way to smile in the face of brasilian adversity

JoAnne said...

love the postings

Jade said...

i don't know what kinda hostel that is...but it sure looks more like a fancy resort. drinks and booties a-plenty!

sweet pics of the falls!!