Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Equinox!

But just a couple days later!!

On Equinox I received 6 boxes of 36 lbs of cantaloupe and had to peel, cut, and process each one for our cantaloupe mint sorbet. That was already a large amount of fruit to cut, but on top of that, they were cute little organic cantaloupe, that slowly started to morph into annoying never-ending, why do you have to be so small, cantaloupe. During the whole process I kept thinking that there must be a joke about how cantaloupes can't elope, and how it would go.

After work I went to little home make lanterns. Well, I sat and watched Azure, Aviva and Dave make lanterns, while I ate homemade Thai food and drank champagne. But afterwards we all took a walk around green lake with other equinox celebrators. It was the perfect night, we wore t-shirts, a lot of people were out, and there were so many creative lanterns and costumes.

Cantaloupe x 500

Handmade lanterns

Aviva is pretty and that is a fish


1 comment:

AfterMathew said...

Rawr, I'm so sorry I missed that equinox event!

There is a joke about cantelopes... i've told it to you i'm almost certain!

It goes like this:
Q) Why do melons have big weddings?
A) Because they Can'telope!
