Monday, December 31, 2007

Last night was a great big UW/Seattle reunion and it was so so fun! Amy Barr was in town for New Year's from Washington D.C. so everyone got together for dinner. I haven't seen these people in at least a couple of years, and I miss them so much. We were all so close in college. Kailin, Steven, Sue, Amy Barr, Travis, Aliyah, Nicole Sharkey (!) that was a fun surprise, and a bunch of their Brandeis friends were all there. We headed into Park Slope and had a few drinks at Patio lounge. I had so much fun with them, they are the best kinds of people in the world! I shall love them forever and forever. Then Sam was also there! I met Sam in Seattle at Thanksgiving II dinner, where she hooked us up with people in Patagonia that work on farms. It was all so random, and in New York, and fun times.

Travis Beck:

Steven, Limey Travis, and Aliyah:

Pirate Amy:


Tonight I fly out from JFK to Rio De Janeiro. Common questions that come after this are:

Q: You're flying out on New Year's Eve? WHY? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE PARTIES?!?!?!
A: Yes, flights were the cheapest around this time of year, plus New Year's Eve is over-rated, I'm so over it.

Q: So what happens when you pass the international time zone? Do you celebrate New Year's twice?
A: I'm not sure. I've never been on the plane during New Year's so I don't really know. I don't think I will hit both in one flight, since Rio is 2 hours ahead...but maybe. I heard a rumor that you get free champagne at midnight though. I'll definitely let you know once I've solved this mystery.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I'm so excited I could burst into star bits {that taste like honey!!!!!!!!}


iamsue said...

Blogging at 7:30am! Wow! I like it! I think this might be an appropriate forum to discuss the fact that tripe is indeed a cow's stomach. And! that people really should google "amy d. barr" as much as possible. (in quotes.)

Amy Sung said...

you look like a tiger cat in a lot of these pictures! no better reunion than a pho reunion!

JoAnne said...

Auts, so glad you are having a good time! What a way to celebrate 2008 than to go on adventures. Have a marvelous time in SA. xo JoAnne

amy barr said...

sue is a naughty girl. never obey her.