Monday, December 7, 2009


Who loves the library?! I do!!!!

I borrowed so many gems today from the library. They were all on hold for me. I love making my hold list and picking it up. Today I borrowed:

The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I've been meaning to read this f.o.r.e.v.e.r. but just haven't really gotten to it. Now I want to read it and then watch the movie.

True Blood Season 1. I've heard it's the best. Now I watch it, for free!!!!!

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. It's sad that this man committed suicide before seeing his work in print. Then it goes on to win the pulitzer.

Dolly My Life and Other Unfinished Business by Dolly Parton. It's for book club at work. Don't judge me.

I love that this was all free. Free! Free! Free! So many hours of entertainment for free!


iamsue said...

ah, the library. invented by benjamin franklin and perfected by modern america. in berlin, you have to pay a MEMBERSHIP FEE to join a library, you pay to have books shipped from one branch to another, and you can't return books via a drive-through window; you have to come in during limited open hours and personally hand in the book to the front desk librarian.

btw, i loved The Road. i want to watch the movie with you. and true blood is hot but not as good as twilight. ha.

amy said...

cormac mccarthy! haha. you will zip through that book - i finished it on a flight from nyc to sea. wait for me to start true blood, please!

Jennifer Sung said...

whatevs. It was a spelling error!! I just started it last night. It's good but in a trashy way. I'll save it for you though.

Jennifer Sung said...

also i will totally see the movie with you sue.