Tuesday, December 11, 2007



Got back from Hawaii last night, and found my approved Servas paperwork in the mail.

Servas is a non-profit peace organization that believes in one universal family. Travelers can stay with host families around the world in order to actively learn about the different cultures and form friendships in order to build peace and a just society. Servas which means "to serve" in Esperanto, will be of great value to me when I am traveling through Brazil and Argentina.

I am going to go to a Servas dinner tonight, and am very excited to meet other Servas members!

For more info on Servas, go to www.usservas.org

Oh yeah, and shout-out to Kenny who just bought his ticket into Rio. HOLLA!!!!

1 comment:

Amy Sung said...

how was this dinner? where are the pics to accompany the post???