Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Puerto Piramides

Hola Chicos! I'm sorry I've neglected you for so long, but I promise this post will be worth the wait!

We drove up Peninsula Valdes into a small town called Puerto Piramides on Monday, I think. The drive was quick and we had to pay to enter the national park. This park was HUGE, and it felt like we were in desert. We made it to the penguin reserve and watched the penguins waddle, nap, swim, and poop. They were so cute and they were not scared of humans at all. There were many baby penguins shedding their baby fur and feeding with their mothers.

We decided to stay in Piramides for 2 nights. I guess this is a big deal there because there are about 300 people who live there, and the center of town consists of about 5 restaurants all located on the same block.

The next morning we woke up bright and early so that we might be able to spot some orcas. We drove towards Puento Norte where all the sea lions were, and where the orca whales go to feed on the seals. The drive took about 1.5 hours, and we were greeted with so many animals early in the morning. I wanted to practice my stick shift abilities, so I drove the whole day, and I felt as though we were in the middle of the Australian outback. There were only dirt or gravel roads, and dry landscape all around us. We saw llamas, emus, sheep, horses, foxes, armadillos, and even drove right up next to a jack rabbit as it ran it's fastest for about 10 seconds. We found out that jack rabbits can run up to 60kph. Mike had his fancy camera and we were definitely wildlife photographers for a day.

Later that night we went left the town and went onto a dirt road to see the stars. I've never seen the stars so bright in my life. I saw the milky way at it's milkiest, and a crystal clear blue comet. It was amazing. Mike took a bunch of photos of the stars.

Here are some photos from the day:

Llama sighting! We were so excited when we saw our first batch of Llamas, we stopped the car, ran out towards them and took pictures. Little did we know that they would be EVERYWHERE.


Azure and a very friendly armadillo

Pretty sign

A herd of baby emus have blocked our path. They started out running away from us very quickly, then eventually slowed down, and then many minutes later, figured out that they had to get off the path in order to get away from us. They weren't the brightest of all the animals we met that day:



Ha ha, just kidding, that was a picture of a picture. (don't worry I had permission to take that photo)

This is what we could have seen had we been at the beach we were at in March or April. Bummer.

1 comment:

Amy Sung said...

i was wondering if that picture was yours!!! haha. that sounds like an awesome place - wish i could've seen it in person!