Sunday, August 9, 2009

This Weekend

I picked 2 lbs of blueberries!! For $1.25/lb!! I wish I had my camera with me at the time, there were a lot of little jewels around the farm, but I did manage to bring back a little blueberry bouquet for you.

My heirloom tomatoes are also going insane! The heat wave made them really happy, and they are popping up all over the place.

The cucumbers are popping up too, they were made from scratch {seeds}

They have funny ringlets that grab onto anything next to them

Including other ringlets.

AND at work today, I got a bunch of blackberries from Pacific Crest Farms. They were delicious and will probably be just as delicious in ICE CREAM.

Then I went home, and ate a yellow watermelon for the first time. It was sweet and hydrating and filling.

<3s. Many of them.

1 comment:

amy said...

whoa! look at those tomatoes! i liked this entry.